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2 Vacancies Available

About MicroEnsure

Mass-market consumers face persistent risk in their day-to-day lives. Those who have access to insurance tend to be middle and upper income consumers, who face the least risk of all.

MicroEnsure exists to address this disparity<> Founded in 2002 by Opportunity International and supported by a multi-million dollar grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2007, MicroEnsure is the world’s first and largest organization whose exclusive focus is to address the mass market’s need to mitigate risk

Life at MicroEnsure

Mass-market consumers face persistent risk in their day-to-day lives. Those who have access to insurance tend to be middle and upper income consumers, who face the least risk of all.

MicroEnsure exists to address this disparity<> Founded in 2002 by Opportunity International and supported by a multi-million dollar grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2007, MicroEnsure is the world’s first and largest organization whose exclusive focus is to address the mass market’s need to mitigate risk

Career Okay

near hbl bank MicroEnsure, plot 38, street 22, G-8/4 Islamabad


Basic+ commission

Mass-market consumers face persistent risk in their day-to-day lives. Those who have access to insurance tend to be middle and upper income consumers, who face the least risk of all. MicroEnsure exists to address this disparity<> Founded in 2002 by Oppor

Urdu call Center Agent

Posted on : 14 Apr 2022

Call Center Agent

Posted on : 14 Mar 2022